Thousands of athletes from 177 countries have descended upon Downtown Los Angeles for the 2015 Special Olympics World Games. Many of the Special Olympics participants, staff, and volunteers are staying at Downtown Los Angeles Westin Bonaventure hotel, where River Dentistry Downtown Los Angeles dental office is also located. We are thrilled to welcome the athletes and guests looking for dental help and will be happy to assist with anything we can.
The Special Olympics celebrates the athleticism of those with intellectual disabilities, with roots dating all the way back to 1968. The structure of the World Games might look a little unexpected for viewers at home. Given that each athlete has an intellectual disability—the severity of which can differ from athlete to athlete—it can be somewhat difficult to ensure the competitors in a given event are on a relatively level playing field. Twenty-six different events, almost all of which have their own separate disciplines, will take place in Los Angeles throughout the next week.
For those taking part in the celebration, the World Games are the culmination of years of hard work. To welcome and support the special athletes as well as hard work and dedication of Special Olympics volunteers and staff, River Dentistry is happy to offer a 25% discount to all 2015 Special Olympics World Games athletes, judges, staff, and volunteers through the end of August. Or come in for a consultation this week and get an organic shopping bag as a free gift!